Rolling technique, kneading technique

 Rolling technique.

Description: Use the edge of the palm on the Ulna side (the fifth metacarpal and the Hypothenar eminence) to roll against specified body surfaces. The rolling technique rely on a consecutive range of pronation and supination movements from the hand.

Requirements: Shoulders and wrists should be relaxed. Angle of the elbow of the performing hand should be flexed around 120 140°. Pronation and supination movements need to be continuous. Always keep in close contact with the body surface being treated, avoid jerky movements. Keep the movement frequency between 120 - 160 per minute.

Dvnamic functions: Promote qi & blood circulation and dredge the collaterals, dissipate

muscle soreness, relax muscles and tendons, enhance joints mobility.

Clinical uniqueness: The rolling technique has relatively larger contacting surface. It enables therapists to exert greater but gentle pressure. It is most suitable on large surface

areas e.g. the back ; or areas with thick muscle mass e.g. shoulders and thighs.

Clinical applications: Best treating muscle soreness and numbness, paralysis, joints

functional disability

Practice -

Neck & shoulders areas  around Trapezius, Deltoid. Back area  along Bladder meridian. Thigh areas  around Quadriceps and Hamstring.

(3) the Kneading technique.

Description: Apply either with the thenar eminence, belly of the thumb or, the root of the palm. Move in downward and circular motion lead by the relaxed wrist.

Requirements: When kneading always keep in close contact to the underlying muscle tissue. The circular motion is small. It is inappropriate to move as if a circle is being drawn. This circular motion should result in 'dragging ' the underlying muscle tissue.

Frequency required 120 160 per minute.

Dynamic functions - alleviate chest congestion regulate qi flow, tonify Spleen and Stomach, dissipate blood stagnation, dissolve swelling and alleviate pain.

Clinical uniqueness: The stimulation of Kneading technique is mild, gentle and relaxing. It is most suitable to both infants and persons with frail constitution. It is almost applicable to most body surface.

Clinical application: Best treating abdominal distension, chest and rib pain, constipation and diarrhoea, sprain and strain.

Practice -

Similar to the practices in One finger meditation technique.