Functions of Tuina

 Tuina is to apply specific techniques upon selected body surface in order to improve or affect the physiological and pathological conditions of an individual. Tuina has the following basic functions:

• Improves meridian flow and dredges collaterals:-the manipulation techniques help to retain the balance of qi and blood caused by stagnant meridian qi.
• Promotes qi and blood circulation:-can be achieved by promoting the transportation and transformation function of the Spleen and Stomach; and enhancing the free flow of Liver qi.
• Regulates organs (Zang and Fu) function:-e.g. pressing B121 & 22 help release abdominal cramp; apply One finger meditation on Bl13 & Si 15 can ease off asthmatic attacks etc.
• Improves joints mobility:-by improving the qi and blood circulation of swollen areas; using specific techniques to loosen strained muscle or ligaments and; resetting dislocating joints and tendons.
• Invigorates body immune system:-this is the summation of all of the points mentioned above so that the general health state of a person can be constantly monitored by means of Tuina