Requirements:-Press perpendicularly downwards. force apply gradually, from gentle to heavy. The pressing action needs to be steady and consecutive. When releasing pressure avoid sudden jerky movements. When using a finger, the thumb is more commonly used.
Dynamic functions:-Dissipate pain and wann the middle heater; release muscle tension and stiffness.
Clinical uniqueness:-
Finger pressing has better control over the stimulation applied on a specific site or point. It has better pain relieving effect. (It had been used in trials of anaesthetic operations in China.)
Palm pressing
larger contacting surface with milder stimulation. It is used more on the chest, abdominal and back areas.
Clinical applications:-Chest pain (angina pectoris); Stomach
abdominal pain; back pain; muscle tension and stiffness.
Finger press: head and facial: Gv20, Taiyang;
neck and shoulders: Gb20 & Lu1 &2;
forearm: Col0, 11 , 4;
Palm press:upper and lower back: along Bladder meridian, the scapulae;
abdominal: around umbilical and hypogastric regions.
eg: anterior and posterior of the thigh; and calf muscles.